What is Reading Dynamics and How Does It Prepare Your Child for Success!

Speed reading is a technique that improved the ability to read quickly. Reading dynamics is one of the speed reading systems. It was taught by Evelyn Nielsen Wood, an American educator and business person. Wood coined the phrase "speed reading" and creating a system to improve reading speed over average rate of 250-300 words per minute.  Her target was to improve reading speed by two to five times.

During her studies, Wood could read 6,000 words a minute regularly sharing the traits to read down a page instead of the usual left to right. She read groups of words or the complete thoughts instead of single words. She avoided rereading material and applied their efficiency to various materials.

Wood discovered that fast readers were also more effective therefore she developed programs and ultimately a methodology that used a pointer of finger to trace lines of text and eliminating reading aloud in the head or under the breath (sub vocalizing) Reading Dynamics system was taught at seminars as Evelyn Wood Speed Reading Dynamics, which is a business that Evelyn Wood co-founded with Dough Wood, her husband. The business grew its outlets in United States to 150.  Reading Dynamics was endorsed by famous figures including President John F. Kennedy as a way to remember information after reading thousands of words per minute. Wood had studies Kennedy’s reading habits as he was an avid reader. Staff members Kennedy, Ford and Carter administration also studied the speed reading system. A students of Wood’s speed reading claimed she was able to read a 689 page novel in less than an hour.

Reading Dynamics centers on moving one a hand across a page in order to maintain eye focus on words.  Just like many speed reading systems, reading dynamics tries to suppress the reading instinct of sub-vocalization. It does not focus on meaning of words without getting limited by time it will take to mentally pronounce syllables.

Wood published her book Reading Skills in 1959 just before she and her husband began Reading Dynamics business in 1960.  Reading Dynamics classes were advertised heavily on television. Woods had minimal business education and advertising therefore her business collapsed within a year.  New owners took over and invested in advertising and endorsement turning the Reading Dynamics to a craze.

Unfortunately, it’s only a few students who could grasp the technique or reach the amazing speed reading promised during advertising.  Failure to attain the promised speed is what made Reading Dynamics to fall into disfavor but it made people to be aware that they could read faster.

Some speed reading training systems adopted some ideas by Wood. Some strategies taught in her classes were taught at college campuses in United States until late 1990s.  

Search online user reviews for more information on other speed reading programs like 7 speed reading review.